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Ofsted short inspection confirms Saxon is a 'good' school

We are a 'good' school

Following Saxon’s Ofsted short inspection recently, co-Heads Mrs. Davis and Miss Morris are delighted to share that Saxon is a 'good' school.

The June 2015 inspection graded Saxon good overall, with outstanding Leadership and Management, and the recent short inspection that took place on 12th June had two judgements to make: 

  • is Safeguarding effective?
  • does the school remain good?

Both judgements were found to be secure. The HMI who carried out the inspection has captured in her final inspection letter the very many strengths that she found in the provision. Comments include - 

"Pupils enjoy their time at Saxon, and are prepared well, academically and emotionally, for moving on to secondary school at the end of Year 6."

"Pupils benefit from the culture of care that is evident throughout the school. Above- average rates of attendance show how keen pupils are to come to school and to do their best."

"They (the children) value how they are encouraged to respect others, regardless of their differences, and willingly take on responsibilities that contribute positively to the school community."

"You remain committed to making the school the best that it can be. The trust
and local governing body work well together to monitor the school’s work, holding
leaders successfully to account for the impact of what they do. This ensures that
pupils’ welfare and success remain at the heart of everyone’s work."

The academic and personal achievements of all of the Saxon children are reflected in the letter and the leadership team at Saxon are very proud of them. The team also recognise  how fortunate they are to have such a dedicated and talented wider team of staff who are supported in their efforts by the parent community.

Mrs. Davis and Miss Morris would like to thank the parent community for their positive comments made during the inspection via Parent View and in person to the inspector as well as their on-going support.  This support is testament to the whole Saxon school community working together to enable all children to become successful lifelong learners and happy, fulfilled adults who can make positive choices about their future.

Saxon Primary School