A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Saxon Primary School


We are proud of our smart Saxon Primary uniform and believe it encourages children to take pride in their appearance and their school.

A full list of uniform is detailed on our suppliers website.    To place an order, please click on the link below:

Or visit us in store 201-203 Laleham Road, Shepperton, Surrey  TW17 0AH  Tel: 01932 267 477

Opening Hours – Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Wed 9am-7pm.

School Uniform 20min appointment booking available Mon-Thurs 1pm onwards. To book please visit the website https://www.ksteamwear.co.uk/schools-and-universities/


Expectations for school uniform

Our basic minimum requirement of school branded items is:
1 x branded sweatshirt (V-neck, sweatshirt material)
1 x branded cardigan (V-neck, sweatshirt material)
1 x branded polo shirt
1 x branded tie (from year 3-6)
1 x branded book bag (Reception to Year 2)
1 x branded PE bag
Optional school branded items include:

School sun cap

Black PE hoodie

Non-branded items that are accepted are:
Plain white PE T-shirt
Plain green PE shorts
KS2 Back pack
Plain black shoes (no trainers)
Saxon Primary School