A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Saxon Primary School

The Governing Body

Our Local Governing Body is made up of individuals appointed by the Trust Directors to fulfil the role.  We have two parent governor representatives and two staff representatives.  

Governors meet as a full Local Governing Body once a term.

Should you wish to write to the Chair of Governors please send c/o Saxon Primary School, Briar Road, Shepperton TW17 0JB and the office will ensure any post is sent directly on.

The present Local Governing Body comprises:

Miss N Morris Headteacher
Mrs J Roberts Trust Appointed Governor / Chair
Ms A Stark Trust Appointed Governor/ Vice-Chair
Mrs S Rana Parent Governor
Mrs C Morris Parent Governor
Miss Z Brown Staff Governor
Miss L Revels-Hull Staff Governor
Mr T Wiltshire Trust Appointed Governor
Mrs N Gergin Trust Appointed Governor

Details of the governors terms of office can be found here Get Information About Schools.

Governance Professional - clerktogovernors@lumenlearningtrust.co.uk

For further information on the Trust Governance Arrangements please visit the Lumen Learning Trust website by clicking on this link LLT Governance Arrangements.

Board of Directors Chair - Mr R Vango

Saxon Primary School