A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Partnership with Parents & Parent Feedback

We believe the education of a child is a partnership between parents and school. It is vital, therefore, that there are good links between home and school.  We know that a child's success at primary school is never just down to the school; it is the outcome of a true partnership which is based on mutual trust.  We work hard at that partnership with a variety of workshops and the opportunity to see the provision in action, all underpinned by efficient two-way communication systems.

Parents are invited to a Curriculum Information meeting at the beginning of the school year where their class teacher gives them an overview of the class plans for the year as well as other more practical information about class activities.

In the Autumn & Spring terms, parents are invited to come and meet with the class teacher individually to discuss their child's progress. At these meetings parents are given their child's current assessment (National Curriculum or Foundation Stage) and how this relates to age-related expectations.  In addition, their child's end of year targets are shared along with information about what their child needs to do to help them meet their targets.  This information, as well as their child's current attendance figure, is presented on a form which parents are given to keep as a reference point for future discussions.

At the end of the school year, each child receives a written report detailing their achievements and accomplishments from that year.

We are aware that the way children are taught in schools nowadays might be very different to the school experience their adults had.  Consequently we run a variety of different workshops to help parents gain insight into what is being taught and how we teach it.  The first of these workshops are on the Reception induction day in early July when the children first come together as a whole group.  Whilst they are getting to know one another, their parents are invited to take part in workshops focusing on early literacy and numeracy skills.  Further workshops are run throughout the year for all age groups and we always give plenty of notice so that parents can put the dates in their diaries.

The Headteacher also writes a newsletter every Friday giving information on the highlights of the week as well as important upcoming events.  This is available via email and is uploaded onto the website every Friday too. Please click here to be taken to our Newsletters.

We have our own Facebook page which is updated on a regular basis with photos to give parents an insight into the school day. Our School App is also a useful feature for parents to keep up to date with school news. Please click here to be taken to our Social Media page which includes a link to our Facebook page and guidance on how to download our app.

From time to time things do go wrong but we ask that you do not let minor problems become major ones. Come in and talk to us and together we can usually sort things out. The best person in the first instance to sort any issue out is your child's class teacher so we ask that you go to them first.  However, if more help is needed in addressing the concern, members of the Senior Leadership Team are always happy to meet with parents to discuss issues.

Parents help in many ways in school e.g. hearing readers, cooking, ICT support, maths games, art & craft activities - the list is endless! We welcome and value their support.  We do ask parents to complete some simple volunteer training to enable them to feel confident in their role, and to attend compulsory Safeguarding training.  Information about when these sessions take place is given in the newsletter.

Saxon School Association (SSA)

Parents and family members of pupils in the school automatically become members of SSA. Its aims are to promote the interests of the school; to promote good relationships between parents, staff and the community; to support the school in providing a first class education, and to help raise funds for the school in ways that everyone can enjoy.

For more information about the SSA please click here.

Saxon Primary School